Positivity: Reflection on AMAL journey
The clichéd phrase ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’ might sound like something that you just decide to do. Well, if anyone is of that opinion I would strongly disagree. For me, it is the evolution of our thought process which requires hard and dedicated effort. Yes, you read that right. The reason being that it is quite natural to be afraid of what is alien or unknown to us. At first instance, we may not like the change and be incredibly uncomfortable thinking about it. Therefore, we do judge the ‘book’ of change charged with fear and discomfort.
I would like to elaborate on it with a personal story. As we all AMAL fellows had our first-ever learning groups, we all had our first-ever detailed interaction and most probably we all loved it. I did. As the second week approached, the end of the first learning groups, the fact made me super uncomfortable. Anyhow, the lists for new circles came and as I had been telling myself even before seeing my circle that I would not like it, I did not like it. ‘The Change’.
I was finding it very hard to adjust. I shared my reservations with one fellow who has been incredibly supportive ever since the beginning of the fellowship, who was also a member of our first learning group. The advice I got from her goes something like, “try communicating more with them, get to know them more”, which is exactly what I did. I individually reached out to all the circle members and tried to get to know them. I forced myself to share my work with them and get their feedback on it. Before I knew it, we all were like best friends who have known each other for quite some time.
Today, at this very moment, I am glad that I shared my grievances with a trustworthy person whose valuable advice will come in handy throughout life. Looking back, if I had kept an open and welcoming mind, which I no longer forget to do, I could have saved myself a lot of overthinking and unnecessary stress. Lastly, I want to conclude by mentioning that being welcoming and being excited about new things can have the equal benefit as hard work and dedication do. Our emotions not only have an effect on others but they shape our long-term way of responding to things. Welcoming change with a charming smile and a positive mind may become the best to ever happen to us! :)