Organizing Myself
I was sitting on a two-seater sofa, where I usually sit to study or use my laptop, across the single-seater. This is the view I had in front of myself.
I have my mid-term exams going on and since we’re experiencing a new examination method, which requires a lot of research, hence, a pile of books.
Usually, I am a very organized person who keeps his things in place but sometimes I tend to get off track when overwhelmed. With numerous extracurricular projects going on, and tough exams, I kind of just did not pay attention to it. That’s when the mild OCD kicks in which keeps on distracting me. Even if this was not part of the project it would have been fixed because I don’t like a messy environment and I find it unproductive.
I decided to organize these books in an order that I always prefer. The one smallest in length is on the top and respectively working it down to the biggest one at the bottom. Here, take a look.
Taking care of yourself and things related to you is the foremost thing that you can do as a leader, without authority. The responsibility that you undertake and how dutifully and well you carry it out is what being a leader is about. A leader must start fixing what he can in his sphere of influence. What you aim to fix comes later in life with hard work and life. Here I’d like to mention a quote that I came across in one of the online courses of the fellowship:
“If you find yourself wanting something month after month, year after year, yet nothing happens and you never come any closer to it, then maybe what you actually want is a fantasy, an idealization, an image, and a false promise. Maybe you don’t actually want it at all. So I ask you, “How are you willing to suffer?”
So the steps you take in regards to ‘what you want to accomplish’, the first one always is to ‘start with yourself’. I can close this blog with unending examples of the great leaders but I would like to close it with something that is more relatable personally and is incredibly moving, Michael Jackson’s beautiful lyrics from ‘Man in the Mirror’
“I’m gonna make a change
For once in my life
It’s gonna feel real good
Gonna make a difference
Gonna make it right
I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change”