3 min readDec 11, 2020
Communication is very important in our daily lives. Whether in an organization or within a family, it helps create and strengthen the preexisting bonds. Communicating with people related to us, on a regular basis, is a responsibility, and carrying it out dutifully is an act of kindness in itself.
- Yesterday, it was my father’s day off and I decided to set my work aside for some time and dedicate the time I had to my father. Honestly, I sat there like an awkward person for a minute or two but eventually comfort kicked in. I asked him about his activities, what he does when he gets some free time at work, and the people he’s friends with. I could see he was enjoying very much talking to me about his life, his newly found fondness for random things and the clothes he recently got for himself and apprised me of his twice a year check-ups, one of which he just had yesterday (which I monitor either way) and how healthy the doctor says he is. Seeing him all excited and energetic about his life made me really content and satisfied. While living that moment, a realization came to me that in the load of constant work, the load of books and other activities we get buried under and forget other things that matter and how much joy they bring to us and what if the choice of living those moments is not available to us anymore? We should (and I will) definitely make an effort towards others, who knows maybe just asking about their day, you may MAKE their day!
- A schoolfellow and a really good friend of mine joined the army a few years ago. We came to know that he recently came back on a 10 day leave. So my other friend and I decided to go to surprise him. We got there at the decided time and took him out for dinner and some leisurely games as we know military men have a tough routine and should utilize the chance to relax whenever they can. Seeing the weariness of a rigid routine vanish from his face was a joy to see. Before parting, we thanked him for his service to the country which made him feel good about his job. I’m glad my friend had a fun day!
- Just today, I was going to the store while on a stroll and I had some peanuts in my pocket. A few steps ahead, a street vendor was sitting there, taking a break from his tiring work. I stopped there and talked to him while we both enjoyed the peanuts. Making someone smile is a great feeling which I am unable to express!
- Tutored a university fellow of mine amongst a very busy day. A class fellow of mine who happens to be weak in a subject we have this semester and since we have our midterm examination next week, he was really upset because of all the suddenness and his unpreparedness. I offered to help and teach him the topic which he felt was the hardest. After an hour, he understood completely, ‘The models of Easton and Almond in Comparative Politics’.
- There’s nothing like the joy of helping the elderly. Just a few minutes ago, while walking down the street, thinking about the project I’m working on, trying to bring new ideas to my mind. I saw an old uncle who lives at the opposite end of the street, carrying some bags of groceries. I volunteered to help and he let me. He is not a big conversationalist so he didn’t say much but the traditional way of showing affection to your younger ones by gently putting a hand on the head showed how much he appreciated it.